Find a Retailer
For your convenience, you'll be able to buy Compass Cards and add passes and/or Online
Compass Vending Machine (CVMs) (Concession Compass Cards not available through CVMs)*
Select London Drugs locations
By calling 604.398.2042
TransLink Customer Service Centre at Waterfront Station
Compass Wristbands and Minis can only be purchased in-person at the TransLink Customer Service Centre at Waterfront Station.
Note: Compass Tickets are single-use tickets and can only be purchased at CVMs. Compass Tickets are only valid on the day they are purchased.
See map to locate a Compass Retailer or CVM near you (see legend below):
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Compass Vending Machines (CVMs): CVMs are located at all SkyTrain, SeaBus and WCE stations, Horseshoe Bay and Tsawwassen Ferry terminals.
Compass Retailers: Selected retail locations noted sell Adult and Concession Compass Cards.
*Concession Compass Cards can’t be purchased at CVMs. They can be purchased online, by phone, at TransLink Customer Service Centre at Waterfront Station, or from a Compass Retailer.