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Register your Compass Card
Register your card for balance protection and the option to set AutoLoad.
Have an account? Sign in here
Enter your card details
Compass Card number:
Enter the 20-digit number on the back of your card
Card number is required
Card number should start with 0164
Card number should be 20 digits long
Security code:
Enter the 3-digit number on the back of your card
Card CVN is required
Card CVN should be 3 digits
Card name (optional):
Give your card a name (e.g. John UBC) instead of a number.
That's a long nickname! Try a shorter one.
Hmm, looks like you've used some invalid characters. Please correct.
Secured with the latest in TLS encryption.
I agree to the
Compass Card Terms and Conditions
of Use for creating an account.
You must accept the terms and conditions
You must accept the terms and conditions
Why register?
Protect your balance on lost or stolen cards.
Securely store your billing info for future purchases.
Option to automatically load Monthly Passes and top up low balances with AutoLoad.
Option to enroll into the Bike Parkade program and access secure, indoor bike parking facilities.